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In exhibition rooms with a total floor space of 1,200 m, the State Art Gallery holds about twenty-five contemporary and traditional art exhibitions each year, presenting many diverse areas of art. Seeking to show the key developments in Polish and international art, and to reach the widest possible public, the State Art Gallery works in partnership with many galleries and museums in Poland and beyond. In 2015, Polityka weekly ranked the PGS State Art Gallery fourth among Poland’s galleries of contemporary art, while in 2017, it ranked as high as third!

The gallery played host to world-famous artists, including Günter Grass, Czesław Miłosz, Ryszard Horowitz, Roland Topor, Sławomir Mrożek and more. It showcased extensive private collections, including those owned by Wojciech Fibak, at the exhibitions titled Polish Paris and Ecole de Paris, Tom Podl’s Colors of Identity, The K. and A. Michalczuk Collection; as well as museum collections from the Lviv Gallery of Art: The Art of Jacek Malczewski in the Collection of the Lviv Gallery of Art, Masterpieces of Polish Painting; the H. Heine University Düsseldorf’s Dance of Death; Landscape and Portrait from the Odessa Fine Arts Museum, and Collection II from Białystok’s Arsenał Gallery.

Some of the most important art events held at the PGS that need mentioning are: exhibitions of the work of Franciszek Starowieyski, Frank O. Gehry, Joseph Beuys, Roman Cieślewicz, Alfred Kubin, Jerzy Nowosielski, Bruno Schulz, Teresa Pągowska, Piotr Potworowski, Marcin Maciejowski, Dominik Lejman; post-competition exhibition of prints and drawings from the Daniel Chodowiecki Competition, photography exhibitions: Laszlo Moholy Nagy, Videospaces, World Press Photo, Following the Rain, Medium as Medium, Far Away and Close.

Importantly, the Gallery’s exhibition programme features presentations of the achievements of artists from the Gdańsk area, both of the older and younger generations, including Kazimierz Ostrowski, Józefa Wnukowa, Stanisław Horno Popławski (the exhibition was displayed to acclaim in many museums in Poland, Russia, Lithuania and Ukraine), Hugo Lasecki, Ryszard Stryjec, Kiejstut Bereźnicki, Jerzy Krechowicz, Henryk Cześnik, Maciej Świeszewski, Jacek Kornacki, Anna Królikiewicz, Paulina Ołowska, Joanna Zastróżna, Marek Okrassa, Patrycja Orzechowska and more.

The State Art Gallery also runs educational programmes and a publishing house. It compiles and publishes a variety of catalogues, brochures, invitations, posters and postcards to go with its exhibitions, working with well-known graphic artists and designers, including Jacek Staniszewski, Z. Okrassa and J. Zdybel. The Gallery also has its own modern art collection, mostly with works by artists from the Gdańsk milieu accumulated over more than forty years, and a large art history, aesthetics, photography and architecture library.

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