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It is definitely one of the most important tourist attractions in Gdansk. The Gdansk ZOO is a wonderful place to spend quality time with children or take a romantic walk. The facility covers an area of 136 ha and is located at the edge of the Tricity Landscape Park. It is inhabited by animals from all continents, including those, which do not live in the wild any more. This is the only place where you can see bongo antelopes, Arabian oryxes, pygmy hippopotamuses and scavenger Andean condors. In total, the ZOO houses about 190 species, which is more than 1,000 animals!

Regulamin i warunki

To use free entrance with Tourist Card: 
1. Inform the staff that You have Tourist card and provide the card to be read by the staff 
2. Your Card will be veryfied using our mobile device
3. You will recieve free ticket


Information for people with disabilities


If you are visually impaired, visit the Gdansk Zoo with an accompanying person.
The Zoo is not adapted to visitors with visual impairment (with the exception of a
tactile map). The majority of the descriptions, including descriptions of animals and
information boards, do not contain any text in Braille / large fonts / high-contrast text.
Audio guides are not available. Navigating the area is difficult due to its lack of
guiding tactile patterns and paths and attention fields.

If you are a person with hearing impairment, before you visit the Gdansk Zoo,
be advised that a Polish Sign Language interpreter is not available there. The staff
do not use this language either. Animal descriptions are in Polish, and no ETR (easy-
to-read) descriptions are available.

If you are a person with motor impairment (such as an electric wheelchair or crutch
user), you should not experience any major issues navigating the Gdansk Zoo.
The area is generally flat, one toilet is disability friendly, and there are wheelchair-
accessible slopes with handrails. Certain attractions (such as the bird and reptile
buildings) do not feature wheelchair ramps. You may also experience some measure
of difficulty trying to enjoy the full offering of the Gdansk Zoo due to the fact that
certain information boards near cages/enclosures are located behind the fencing,
which combined with the small font sizes and poor background contrast renders
them illegible.

If you are a guardian of an adult/child with intellectual disability / autism spectrum
, please contact the Zoo staff before visiting:
Make sure to discuss your individual needs, including when it is best to visit the Zoo,
what time of the day has the least traffic/noise, when the animals are fed, which
places to avoid, etc. Be advised that the staff of the Little Zoo is not trained to interact
with visitors with autism spectrum disorders or intellectual disabilities.


This accesability description was made as a part of the public administration service ‘Raising the customer service competences of personnel handling tourist traffic, including disabled customers’ that has been co-financed by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism based on agreement no. 2023/0044/1104/UDOT/DT/BP of 2 June 2023.